Sunday, December 30, 2007
Ice Skating in Busan, South Korea ooooooooooooooo!
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5:32 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
任何一个女孩子在被人追的时候,心理都是很复杂的。她也许很开心,但是又带着点惶恐,她对这个闯进自己平静的生活的男孩子,有着欲拒还迎的矛盾心理,她不是故意的。不要以为她在考验你,她其实也在和自己斗争,她怕受到伤害。不要怕你的主动会带来她的反感,你不主动,她也不主动,也就慢慢淡下来了。如果你开始的表白被她拒绝,那也很正常呀。不要气馁,谁知道这个女孩子心里在想什么呢?也许你再表白两次,她就会被你打动,一个心地善良的好女孩是很容易感动的。如果你受到一次挫折,就立刻离开,再也不去答理这个女孩,把自己紧紧地保护起来,默默地舔舐伤口,在你痛苦的同时,那个女孩子也许也正在心里遗 憾、后悔呢!也许她会偷偷哭泣,后悔拒绝了你,再看到你漠然的眼神,她也很痛心,但是她却不会对你说,绝对不会请求你回来追她。你的过度的自尊心,可能会 伤害了女孩子敏感的心。她会认为你不是真诚的喜欢他,要不怎么会就这么放弃了她?
有人说,男生真难,追女孩子太不容易了。可是我的感觉却是,这种现象跟男人和女人的社会角色定位是分不开的,从生理和社会的角度,女人总是被动的。如果反 过来,让男人都脉脉含羞,女人变得勇往直前,世界才乱呢!女人的羞涩总是美好的、动人的呀~我总是听说是某个勇敢的男人战胜了多少困难,最终获得佳人 芳心。相反的例子却很少。有的男生,就怕别人说自己什么死缠烂打,落下不好的名声。可是我觉得男生追求自己喜欢的女孩子,受了点挫折还继续对这个女孩子好,说明人家确实很喜欢,很 有诚意,如果没成功,也不遗憾,并没什么啊?谁让人家喜欢了?最讨厌别人跟着瞎掺乎,也最讨厌那种自己没主意,过于在乎别人对自己看法的男生,活该这种男生找不到女朋友。
是男人就勇敢点,女孩子本来就感性,容易沉浸在爱情里。虽然你付出了辛苦,而一旦你的真心打动了她,那么你得到的将是更多更久的加倍的爱。这样的例子,在 身边比比皆是。女孩子对自己的男朋友都是很温柔很贴心的,为了换来这份甜蜜,开头的辛苦算什么啊?而且大多好女孩都爱得挺投入挺专一的。
我有个好朋友对我说,追女孩子的关键是八个字—— “忽冷忽热、欲擒故纵”(这是我同学多少年心血的结晶)。 你整天缠着人家自然不觉得你好,你适当的冷个一两天,女孩子就会想起你在的好处了。还有就是不要拿出“非你不娶”的志气来,太掉价了不好,有时候可以耍点花招。前面说了,不要使事情立刻变成“你在追别人”,而你又需要得到接近女孩子的机会,这时就要看你的创造力了。你可以搜集情报,想办法把守株待兔变成一场邂逅;也可以装做漫不经心的找出最最充足的理由邀请对方和你一起做什么事。总之这个是最有技术含量的地方,实在不行可以找前辈请教。有些人追女孩子心切,喜欢经常买东西送人家,殊不知追女孩子最忌讳这个。俗话说“无功不受禄”,你这样送人家东西就是在施加压力,人家会觉得欠你的,所以会 想办法还给你,如果没办法还给你就会想办法不和你交往,免得总是欠你人情。 如果你想显示自己的诚意,倒不妨请女孩子一起消费,比如说找好的餐厅吃饭,或者找贵 的地方一起玩什么的,女孩子自然能看出你花了很多钱,但钱终究是两个人一起花了而不是变成东西带回家。
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7:08 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Busan City Tour 2007 and Working place
Last weekend, Busan Metropolitan City Government offered all the international students in Busan an opportunity to get to know better about Busan through a City Tour. We travelled several sightseeing places in Busan. The most important thing is the whole tour was free of charge!!!!
Beomeosa temple was our first stop for this tour, one of the largest and well-known temples in Busan. It was fairly easy to get to from the subway, but it still situated deep in the forest. Never mind, we were not going by subway. Hiak!
A lot of other people were there that day. Koreans like to buy all sorts of specialized hiking gear for their regular walks in the mountains. A short walk later from the main entrance and we arrived at the temple complex surrounded by forest covered hills. The architecture in temples around Korea has many similarities, but each complex has a slightly different if you look closely.
There is a main temple that is a little bigger and more decorated than others. Smaller temples surround it and each has its own theme. Lots of young couples come to places like these when they are about to get married. The atmosphere in these places is very tranquil, and even though there are sounds from outside it tends to somehow dampen when you are inside. (May be because the temples located in deep forest).

Aiks, guys I am not going to talk more today. I got some work to do now. So I will let some photos to talk. At the end of this post, I attached a nice MV for you. Enjoy!
To all guys, appreciate your beloved. Enjoy the MV.
Posted by
1:12 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Global Positioning System in Korea
Yup, today I am going to introduce a very advance system which I discovered here, as known as GPS (Global positioning system) navigation system. frankly, I am quite impressed with this technology as well. Therefore, this post would be a “tech” post. Don’t worry; I am just making a quick and simple introduction for this system [for those interested]. Hiak!
The main purpose of navigation system is to guide driver to their chosen destination. Feature such as Point to Interest (POI), traffic avoidance etc also included in this SUPER system. You may enter destination information [like how you type “thing” search in google], it searches for the destination location via any line of address together with estimated time to reach. Those controls should be tailored for use whist driving. Complete touch screen operation is ideal for reducing attention taken from the road.
The GPS navigation systems also provide voice guidance features which increase yours confidence in the product and help keep eyes on the road. You should be possible to follow the route by using just the voice instruction. In addition, you should be able to take a diversion without having to manually update information. That means, the device would adapt to the new route and would not resort to instructing the user to turn around.
This GPS navigation monitor also supports plug into car audio system for playing cd/dvd/mp3 which means the one sitting next to you can watch movies and play games.
Posted by
3:24 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
3rd Busan Firework Festival 20 Oct 2007
Hoho, this post is going to be a long post, because I am going to put a lot of firework photos and talk about fireworks in Gwangan Bridge. Hiak!!Firstly, the "3rd Busan Fireworks Festival", the world's top high-tech multimedia fireworks festival, will be held for two days from October 19 to 20 against the backdrop of Gwangalli Beach and Gwangan Bridge.
The initial impression of chaos was not to last though. A huge number of police at Gwangalli Beach ensured good crowded control and everyone who arrived early enough was able to take a seat on the beach with relative ease - though we had to wait two hours for the firework to begin. The fireworks started from 8pm to 8.45pm.
Gwangan Bridge - which arcs across the bay in an improbably fashion to apparently link points A and B on the mainland in the longest way possible (It's currently Korea's longest bridge) - was lit up spectacularly, although most of the fireworks were launched from the shore rather than the bridge itself. We'd been promised a multi-media fireworks display, though predictably this translated into meaning fireworks accompanied by loud music. It sort of worked though. If we are going next year, I think we'll take cushions for the beach though; 2 hours sat on sand and pebbles with nothing more than a thin ground-mat for protection is not to be recommended. (There were a lot of hawker selling plastic made cushions cost around 3-4 USD).
I read that 600,000 people watched the festival last year, and the city authorities expected over one million this year, but our Korean companions told us that this year actually seemed quieter, in which case I can only imagine the horrors of the previous event. it certainly felt like we fought our way through tens of thousands of people walking towards Gwanglli Beach, and the crowded did not really tail off until we were almost at our destination - approximately 45 mins walk.
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6:36 AM
No longer 23
On 20 October 2007 (Friday), it was my birthday celebration together with another Malaysian Trainee (Deyan) in girls old dormitory. Thanks to all the wonderful angelic friends (All Germans and Malaysians) that actually care and take the initiative to celebrate this wonderful day with me. It is just so meaningful. I am really thankful even though I did not know how to express it in words. If you all are reading this-------------------------------> Thank you, danke !
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5:58 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Romantic Love Story (Episode 1-3)
Well, I'll introduce you a short Korean Love Story MV. Guys, drop your work, just spend a few minutes to watch this MV. Hope you like and enjoy it.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
p/s: Frankly say I love the song very much. HIak!
Posted by
9:36 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Taejongdae [visited on 03.10.2007]
I saw 1 of the sign board is written like this:
"Taejongdae is a representative park of Busan, with fantastic rocky cliffs, quiet places in thick forests of various evergreen and deciduous trees, and variety of recreational facilities. It is famous for the fact that the Tshushima island of Japan can be seen from here."
The park itself is beautiful - despite the season which left a good number of the trees bare - but unfortunately we went Taejongdae at a peak time because we had to fight our way through crowds of locals with the same idea. The tourist buses, disturbingly brightly coloured were still running around the park, although why anyone would choose to take a very noisy bus rather than appreciating the quiet serenity of the park's grounds is beyond me.
On the way to the park, we wanted to check out something nearby that looked like a war memorial of some kind. Well, it is a memorial to 'medical assistance units' from the U.N who served in the Korea way. Italian, Indian, Danish and Swedish flags were on it as well as a couple of others I cannot recall.
Along the way, there are Buddhist Temples off the path in the forest. At the far side, where the lighthouse is, we made our way down the cliffs on increasingly perilous sets of steps. As we descended further the route lost any pretence of being a proper path and just became a narrow level bit of cliff with like a two-rope barrier to avoid you from falling off the edge.
On the way down, completely unexpectedly, the path briefly enclosed and within that space was a wall where visitors were encouraged to neatly leave their love message. Perhaps this was to discourage them from writing their messages all over the other rocks on the cliff, but if it was it failed miserably.
We hanged out there about 3-4 hours. Eventually we took "bus" to the entrance of the park. Along the way, proving that Koreans can sell anything, anywhere, vendors hawked refreshment in increasingly precarious locations.
Posted by
5:48 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Hello, it is time to update the blog again. This post i will be talking about how I spent my "moon cake festival" in this foreign country, Korea.
Chuseok, also sometimes spelt 'Chuseok', is a major holiday inKorea, celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar Korean Calendar. It is similar to our "Chinese New Year". That why I got 5 days holiday. In Korea, Chuseok is a time where families get together and remember their ancestors. For us foreigners at the dorm, we travel.
On Monday(24/9/2007), we went to Yongdusan Park in the Nampodong area of Busan. In Korea, 'yongdu' means dragon's head and 'san' means mountain so it seems this is Dragon's Head Mountain Park. Apparently the mountain looks like a dragon's head from the sea. We quickly made our way to the collection of buildings which form the base for the park's tower to escape from the heat. Amongst the usual cafes and shops selling tourist trinkets, were an art gallery which perhaps was not too keen on photos being taken(shit, got scolded by old man in the art gallery corner).
---------------------------------Busan Tower------------------------------------------------
------------------------------Yongdusa Park---------------------------------------------
------------------------------Busan KTX Station-----------------------------------------
After that, we headed off to Busan KTX Station. Korea KTX train, perfectly exemplified my description of Korea as an average of Japan and China. The train in China had floors covered by regurgitated food, children sitting on overturned buckets, and shredded seats. They cost only a few dollar to go half way across the country.
On the other hand, Japan's bullet train cost upwards of $140, but are silent, spotlessly clean, and look like airplanes from the future. The seat rotate so that everyone always faces forward regardless of the direction train is going, and all staff is required to turn and bow to the passengers before entering or leaving the train car. (That's what Japanese told me)
Now, what i noticed is that, Korea KTX was not dirty but was not flawless, but did not hurt your ears when the brakes were applied, and cost a mere $40 from Busan to Seoul( cheaper when holiday). Just right in between Japan and China.
-------------------------------JagalChi Market----------------------------------------------
Jagalchi market was stinky, full of every type of sea creature and a lot of ajummas (old woman that selling these creature, all with curly hair and a visor cap), but it was interesting to walk through.
-------------------Geungjeong Mountain Fortress------------------------------------
--------------------------------Children's Park-----------------------------------------------
On Tuesday, we went to a Children's Park, a theme park meets botanical-garden type place. It was built a few decades ago but is still very popular. This park is enormous and you could spend hours just walking around in it. Along the way, you see little Korean kids laughing shouting, crying, pointing etc. In the center of the park is a large dam and corresponding lake. It's very relaxing place to be.
In the various wooded ares of the park, you can see many familiar picnicking. I'm assuming that's how you spell 'picnicking'. Since coming to Korea, I've noticed my English deteriorate significantly. Sometimes I'll write a word and think, hm.....that does not look right, only to find out later that it was the correct spelling.
And then, right at the back of the park tucked neatly into a mountain fold is an aging theme park. Entrance is free and most rides only cost a couple of dollars. So we had a ride on the roller coaster, which was largely constructed from old wood and the major safety feature was 'holding on tight'. It was scary for those two reasons alone.
--------------------------------Haeuadae Beach-------------------------------------------
I am lucky to live/work in Busan, South Korea. The beaches are fablous and so easy to get to using public transportation. We made our way to the Busan Aquarium just beside the beach. The entrance fee for international student is cost about 7USD dollar(Offer for international student) which original price is 14USD. My company is just facing the Haeundae Beach. (I am waiting next year summer).
--------------------------------Yonggungsa Temple--------------------------------
Yonggung Temple means King's Dragon Palace. Its also a Buddhism sanctuary with a wonderful view of dark blue sea and breaking white splintering water.

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8:02 PM